8 Days of Honoring Legacy- Day 2

Today I honor the legacy of another grandmother—my paternal grandmother.

What’s incredible about this woman is that I remember her so vividly.  The last time I saw her was when I left Argentina and I was 5 years old.  I never had the opportunity to see her again,  but I feel that I resemble her in so many ways.

Nona Justa was in a sense, the opposite of Nona Chabela.  She was opinionated, she never missed an opportunity to use her voice and there was no doubting what she thought or felt.

Nona Justa had a life of little luxuries, a lot of hard work and moments where she was a single mother to 3 boys.  She was tough but she needed to be during those moments in her life.  She demonstrated incredible strength although life didn’t hand her too many things.  She was consistent and reliable.  She was true to herself and to those around her.

Although I didn’t have the pleasure of growing up with her my mother reminds me that I have a lot of things from my strong grandmother.

Nona Justa (whose name means justice), may you see the little parts of you in my life.  May I run this race with the determination and the tenacity that would make you very proud. 

I love you and will always remember  you until we see each other again!